We offer a full range of immunisations:

  • Childhood – as detailed in the Well Child/Tamariki Ora health book – these are free
  • Adult influenza (free to +65 and certain medical conditions)
  • Influenza vaccines to healthy adults and children
  • Adult Diptheria/tetanus
  • Occupational – some people are exposed to higher risk through their work (eg. Hepatitis A and B)
  • Vaccinations according to Public Health initiatives
  • Other non-funded vaccinations such as the shingles vaccine (Zostavax) and Boostrix (whooping cough, diptheria and tetanus). Please speak to your doctor about these vaccines.

Immunisations play a large part of the nursing role at the Otaki Medical Centre. We provide a comprehensive vaccination service available Monday to Friday by all of our nursing staff who are fully trained vaccinators. For scheduled immunisations and information see:


As part of our Occupational Health programme we also offer a service of visiting local businesses to vaccinate staff at their workplace. If you require workplace vaccinations please contact the medical centre.